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[[circled]]108[[/circled]] [[circled]]144[[/circled]]

[[margin in red]] Sitti  Myst?  B&C[[/margin]]
single Firebelly definitely joined the group. I also manage to identify (partly or wholly) some other members of the group. There is at least one other furnariid[[?]](quite ^[[1 check mark above and numeral 9 in circle above]] large) in addition to LXX. Also one ^[[2 check marks above]] or more ^[[10 in circle above and 11 in circle above]] flycatchers of other species ( including the strikingly white-bearded form[[?]] seen with mixed flocks in the northern Andes). Also there is both a [[underlined]] pair ^[[1 check mark above]][[/underlined]] of Sittis and a pair ^[[1 check mark above]] of Blue & Chestnut Conebill-types. This time, I see that one of the latter has a buffy chin (very narrow). [[underlined]]Definitely[[/underlined]]the same species seen with the other mixed earlier this morning. It is also [[underlined]] possible [[/underlined]] that one ^[[10 circled above]] Myst ^[[1 check mark above]] may have been associated with the flock, briefly.

The bird that may have been a Myst was certainly purely a follower. Almost everything else seemed to be a leader occasionally. Leadership changed hands again & again & again. Birds constantly leap frogging over one another. it is possible that the Firebelly and the Black-cheeks were in the lead lore frequently than all or most of the others.

[[margin in red]] B&C [[/margin]]
The group as a whole was quiet. Some "CN"s. Some Conebill twitter (almost certainly by the Blue & Chestnuts's). Some apparent dispute between Black-cheeks, accompanied by some noise which I didn't quite catch.

All or almost all of the species ranged thru all levels and types of vegetation 2 - 25 ft above ground. I couldn't detect any particular "altitude" preference of any particular species.

[[margin in red]] Sitti  B&C [[/margin]]
Both the Sittis and the Blue & Chestnut Conebills tended to stick quite close to Black-cheeks. Usually or always following the Black-cheeks. The Sittis and Blue & Chestnut Conebills were often closely associated with one another; but I think that such associations were due to the similar reactions of both Conebills to Black-cheeks-nothing more. The Sittis and Blue & Chestnuts did [[underlined]]not[[/underlined]] appear to be [[underlined]] directly attracted [[/underlined]] to one another.