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[[circled]]113[[/circled]] [[circled]]149[[/circled]]

times accelerated into R's. Ranging from 1015 ft above ground. Apparently quite alone.

[[margin in red]] Sitti [[/margin]]
Then, uphill, see mixed flock. First notice dispute between 2 pair ^[[1 circled above]]^[[4 check marks above]] of [[underlined]]cyanocephala [[/underlined]] (same place dispute seen last time) One pair disappears. Then notice that there are 2 ^[[2 check marks above]] Sittis ^[[2 in circle above]], 1 dull ^[[1 check mark above]] flycatcher ^[[3 in circle above]] near the remaining pair. Twice (at least) Sitti f ^[[ hand drawn arrow pointing right]] [[underlined]]cyanocephala [[/underlined]]. Once (at least) [[underlined]]cyanocephala [[/underlined]] f ^[[hand drawn arrow pointing right]] Sitti. the a pair ^[[2 check marks above]] of Whitestarts ^[[4 in circle above]] j ^[[hand drawn arrow pointing right]].

The area where these 2 or 3 BCBT's were seen is at least 1/4 of a mile away from where BCBT(s) were seen before.

NOTE: Incidentally, my altimeter, here, now, reads [[underlined]]8900 ft.[[/underlined]] Instead of the 9550-9600 last time. Possibly the new reading is more nearly correct. It seems to jibe better with the local fauna? But I am by no means sure that my altimeter is working correctly now.

[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]]
See a single ^[[1 check mark above]] Brun alone.

Everything very dull now 8:00 am. Fog starting to come in

Some Whitestarts still singing.

8:05. See single House Wren alone.

8:16. See single [[underlined]]cyanocephala [[/underlined]] alone. In second-growth scrub, edge open area.

See another (?) mixed flock, in same place where [[underlined]]cyanocephala [[/underlined]] - Sitti flock seen earlier. Edge, where dense arborescent scrub meets low second growth scrub. Flock (now) includes pair ^[[2 check marks above]] of [[underlined]]cyanocephala [[/underlined]] (possibly same pair as in flock earlier), 2 or ^[[2 check marks above]] 3 BCBT's (almost certainly same birds seen alone earlier). BCBT's remain quite low, 6 - 10 ft above ground. [[underlined]]cyanocephala [[/underlined]] sometimes at this level, sometimes higher, up to 20 ft. [[underlined]]cyanocephala [[/underlined]] eventually fly away. BCBT's remain behind for a minute or so, then drift off, hopping from bush to bush, in the same general direction in which the cyanocephala flew