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[[circled]] 115 [[/circled]] [[circled]] 151 [[/circled]]

the Orange heads following. Then whole group flits about in second growth scrub. Difficult to follow. Somehow ^[[2 check marks above]] 2 or 3 more Whitestarts join the group, briefly, and there is a lot of fighting and chasing among them. Then I see that there is a ^[[1 check mark above]] White-^[[circled 4 above]]crowned Furnariid with the group. [[underlined]] cyanocephala [[/underlined]] j -> Whitecrown. The [[underlined]] luteoviridis [[/underlined]] & Orangeheads tend to stay low in scrub. The Whitestarts and the [[underlined]] cyanocephala [[/underlined]] tend to stay high. As far as I can tell, the [[underlined]] luteoviridis [[/underlined]] - Orange head sub-group is usually in the lead. There is also ^[[1 check mark above]] one white- ^[[circled 5 above]] bearded flycatcher with group. One Orange head chases another, finally driving the latter away from the group. The pursuer then returns to the flock.

See same group a little further on a few minutes later. More or less as before. But this time I see that there are [[underlined]] ^[[1 check mark above]] 2 cyanocephala [[/underlined]] with group. Aha! CORRECTION I am fairly certain that the bird I identified as [[underlined]] B. luteoviridis [[/underlined]] is really [[underlined]] juvenal [[/underlined]] Orangehead. Definitely has olive crown, but there is a tinge of orange on the front part of the yellow stripe above the eye. Also on front of cheek (Thus the original Orange head sub-group probably consisted of 1 adult [[male symbol]], 1 adult [[female symbol]], their juvenile offspring, and 1 adult "Stranger".) Once the Orangeheads were definitely leading the group. Once the [[underlined]] cyanocephala [[/underlined]] were definitely leading the group. And once the Whitestarts were definitely leading the group.

Leaving 9:50 am.

NOTE: According to my altimeter now, the altitude of the A Myst area above Unduavi is 10,550 ft

Police post in Unduavi is 10,050 ft according to my altimeter now.

COMMENT: There certainly seem to be quite a lot of mixed flocks below Unduavi now. Quite definite and moderately well organized. But still much smaller and less well-organized than the mixed flocks at Unduavi and above.