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to and Tarina[[?]]

See several more single thrushes alone. At least one is large and brownish without eye ring.

Working down by river 7:50. Little or nothing around.

Another single brown thrush, no eye ring. (All, of course, have orange-ish bill & legs). Then see a pair of brownish thrushes, one at least definitely [[underlined]]with[[/underlined]] eye ring!!!

[[margin in red]] Carbo [[/margin]]
8:00 am. From down below, see one of the A Carbos perched in willow. Alone. Utters song phrases. Then preens energetically. Then goes to feed. On pink tubular flowers. Also picking insects off leaves. Sings in intervals feeding. All the songs uttered at first, before preening and the first part of the feeding period, pure "Zeewa zeewa zeewa" or "Zeewa zeewa zeewa-a." Then bird begins to sing a little more frequently. At same time, begins to add a terminal twitter to each phrase. At same time, the "Zeewa" Notes become a little more like "Tasee" Notes (i.e. pitch difference between the 2 parts of doublet becomes less). But still probably better transcribed as "Zeewa"s than as "Ta see"s. Are "Zeewa"s lower intensity than "Ta see"s (viz the ^[[hand drawn horizontal line and then angling down about 45 degrees] effect at end of may twitters)

[[margin in red]] Carbo [[/margin]]
It is my definite impression that Carbos are singing more frequently this morning than on the previous morning I was here this trip.

8:17. See a single [[underlined]]P. gayi [[/underlined]] alone. Low in Eucalypt. 15 ft above ground.

See what is probably same bird again, similar place, still alone 8:30. There is a [[underlined]] very  [[/underlined]] young juvenile bird nearby. Is it a [[underlined]]gayi[[/underlined]]?

Back to A area 8:40. Sun coming out.

See single thrush alone. [[underlined]]Blackish [[/underlined]], orange or coral bell & legs, quite broad yellow orange eye ring.

[[margin in red]] Carbo [[/margin]]
8:44 am. Single Carbo in Eucalypt. About 30 ft. above ground. A area.