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Arthur Michael collection of Colonial silver 1201
Ashur Tunis Chair for Biology 928
Association of Men with Wings 1026, 1027, 1030
Astrophysical Observatory 1011, 1032, 1057, 1117, 1152, 1198
Ayres, Louis 1022, 1047, 1048, 1185, 1186, 1187
Bacon, Virginia Purdy, bequest by 930
Bacon Scholarship 930
Bandy, Mark C. 950
Barkley, Alben W. 999, 1003, 1004, 1006, 1020, 1042, 1046, 1049, 1053, 
1054, 1055, 1064, 1065, 1142, 1161
   Appointment as Regent     1003, 1006
   Member, Permanent Committee     1003, 1006

Bartsch, Paul 904
Beal, Gifford 898, 899, 923, 946, 1022, 1185, 1186, 1187
Beals, Ralph L. 1133
Bent, A.C. 896
Bequests, gifts, and funds:
     Abbott, W.L. 912
     Arthur, James 891, 900, 930
     Bacon, Virginia Purdy   930
     de Arcos, Dutchess 924
     Johnson, Eldridge R. 903, 904, 911, 916
     Kress, Samuel H. 1053, 1066
     Mellon, Andrew W. 966, 970-975, 977
     Morrow, D. W. 890, 900, 905
     Myer, Catherine Walden 928
     National Gallery of Art's (now N.C.F.A.) policy regarding
          future gifts, etc. 925
     Reid, Addison T. 928
     Research Corporation 890
     Roebling, John A. 903, 911, 928, 1118
     Rollins, William H. 900, 929
     Smithsonian Scientific Series 902, 947, 948, 949
     Walcott, Mrs. Charles D. 904, 947
          Residuary bequest 1097, 1098

Bingham, Robert W. 894, 907, 940, 954, 999, 1005, 1018, 1021
     Death of, 1005