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Cox, Hon. Edward E. 1122, 1123 (Appointment as Regent), 1139, 1161
Cret, Paul P. 1050
Crump Edward H. 893, 894, 906, 908, 920
Curtis, Charles 889, 893
Davis, Harvey N. 1005, 1018, 1020, 1021, 1042, 1054, 1055, 1065, 1092, 1105, 1122, 1139, 1161, 1180
Dawes, Charles G. 890, 948
DeArcos, Dutchess, bequest of, 924
Holmes, William H. 910
Hrdlicka, Alec 1142
Logan, Senator M. M. 1044
McClellan, George B. 1095
McNary, Senator Charles L. 1181
Moore, Hon. R. Walton 1124, 1125
Platt, Charles A. 910
Robinson, Senator Joseph T. 1002
Walcott, Mary Vaux 1096

Defense Activities  1118, 1119, 1133
Deignan, Herbert C. 1059, 1201
Delano, Frederic A. 889, 893, 895, 896, 906, 908, 909, 913, 916, 919, 921, 922, 934, 938--944, 950, 953, 954, 999, 1000, 1004, 1006, 1015, 1016, 1020, 1021, 1042, 1045,
1049--1051, 1053--1055, 1061, 1064, 1065, 1092, 1094, 1095, 1097, 1104, 1105, 1107 (Reappointment), 1108, 1109, 1122, 1125, 1139, 1140, 1147, 1144, 1161, 1180, 1182, 1183,
Committee on resolutions in re. Hughes, Moore 1107, 1124, 1125
Letter to Secretary Abbot on S. I. 943
Smithsonian Gallery of Art Commission 1015--1017, 1031, 1048, 
Report on competition 1048--1053
Twenty year report on Freer Fund 1127--1132

Densmore, Miss Francis 896
Dorsey, N. W. 999, 1000, 1061
Douglas, Andrew E. 891
Eigell, George Harold 956, 1007, 1047, 1048, 1185, 1186, 1187
Emmart, Emily W. 948, 1101
Employees, superannuation of, 900