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The Secretary summarized three proposed legislative reports. These are summarized in the books before you under Tab 7.

The Secretary pointed out that the first of three proposals would authorize the construction of two pavilions as additions to the National Museum of History and Technology. This Museum is the center of historical research and education at the Smithsonian. It is fitting that the Institution's observance of the Nation's Bicentennial in 1976 should be focused principally upon this Museum. Yet this Museum, which has far surpassed all expectations in its popularity and in demands upon its resources, is already inadequate to accommodate the increasing numbers of visitors and to display to best advantage its historic resources. Action is needed to equip the museum for an outstanding role in the Bicentennial by constructing additional public exhibition space.

The second legislative proposal is a request that the last remaining building site on the Mall (the area bounded by 3rd Street, Maryland Avenue, 4th Street and Jefferson Drive) be designated as the permanent site for a museum building for the Smithsonian. Subject to further authorization for design ad construction at some future date, the museum would be known
