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[[blue checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] 13 Mimulus luteus L  In a mountain spring & in low wet places  Red Lodge  July 25 1893

[[blue checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 14 Valeriana sylvatica Banks 

[[blue checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 15 Peucedanum simplex Nutt.
Common all over the valley July 26

[[black checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 16 Pinus [[strikethrough]] contorta Var [[/strikethrough]] Murrayana [[strikethrough]] Engelm [[/strikethrough]] Balfour On the mountain side  July 25

[[black checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 17 Pseudosuga Douglasii Carr.

x 18 Pinus flexilis James  July 24 -

[[black checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 19 Juniperus communis L.

[[blue checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] 20 Mimulus Lewisii Pursh
A long a mountain stream In wet places.

[[blue checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] 21 Heracleum lanatum Mx.

[[blue checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 22 Salix lasiander, var. Fendleriana Bebb. July 26 -

[[red checkmark]] [[blue checkmark]] 23 Helianthus annuus L

[[blue checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 24 Mentha canadensis L