Viewing page 15 of 182

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[red checkmark]] [[blue checkmark]] 97 Erigeron macranthus Nutt

[[blue checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 98 Pyrola rotundifolia L
Along stream

[[blue checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 99 Hieracium albiflorum Hook Compositae  
On top of mountain

[[blue checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 100 Carex deflexa var. media Bailey - 

[[blue checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 101 Solidago canadensis L.

[[blue checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 102 Sisymbrium incisum Engelm. Cruciferae

[[blue checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] 103 Prosartes trachycarpus [[overwritten]] Lilliaceae [[/overwritten]] Watson

[[blue checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 104 Prunus Virginica L.
In dry valley  July 28

[[blue checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 105 Aquilegia flavescens Wat. 
Along mountain stream " [[ditto for: July 28]]
[[black checkmark]] 106 Pentstemon [[strikethrough]] Lyallii Gray [[/strikethrough]] 
On mountain top   July 29

[[blue checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 107 Allium cernuum Roth 
July 24 to 29

[[blue checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 108 Castillius parviflora Bong 
July 25

Transcription Notes:
(@AntelopeWest) I have followed the format of an earlier transcriber, beginning on page 2, who included the notations on the opposite page; who transcribed the whole as one page. (@siobhanlachman) - Hi Jon, thanks for your help on this project. Fabulous to have your knowledgeable input! Just to let you know in previous projects like this field journal the normal TC practice has been to add any notes regarding correct species names in this notes section rather than in the body of text of the transcription. I've hope you don't mind but I've therefore edited. I've added your notes below so that the information remains usable by the TC. Erigeron macranthus Nutt = Erigeron speciosus (Lindl.)DC. Carex deflexa var. media Bailey - = Carex rossii Boott. Sisymbrium incisum Engelm. Cruciferae = Descurainia incana subsp. incisa (Englem.)Kartesz & Gandhi Prosartes trachycarpus Watson = Prosartes trachycarpa S.Watson Prunus Virginica L. = Prunus virginiana L. Pentstemon = Penstemon Castillius = Castilleja