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[[blue checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] 193 Claytonia [[strikethrough]] Caroliniana Michx [[/strikethrough]] ^[[lanceolata Parsh]]   Camp 7   Aug 14 /93
In damp soil ground often frozen

[[blue checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 194 Saxifraga rivularis   Aug. 14.

[[blue checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] 195 " [[Ditto for: Saxifraga]] adscendens L.  Aug. 14

[[blue checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 196 " [[Ditto for: Saxifraga]] nivalis L.  Aug. 14

[[blue checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 197 Cystopteris fragilis Bernh.

[[blue checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 198  Peucedanum cous 
Among dry rock on hillside 

[[blue checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 199 Juncus subtriflorus Coville
In a mountain swamp

[[blue checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 200 Calandria [Calandrinia] pygmaea Gray  Aug 14

[[blue checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 201 Ranunculus  glaberrimus Hook 

[[blue checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] [[strikethrough]] [[boxed]] 203 [[/boxed]] [[/strikethrough]] 202 Potentilla disecta Pursh  Aug. 24

[[blue checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 203 Sibbaldia procumbens L Aug. 13&14 

[[blue checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 204 Linnaea borealis Gronov  National Park  Aug 15 /93   In woods along the lake

Transcription Notes:
(@AntelopeWest) 201: I think what looks like a strikethrough is a line for adding the species later and it was added over the line.