Viewing page 67 of 182

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[[red checkmark]] [[blue checkmark]] 697 Festuca ovina var. brevifola [[Watson?]]  Yellowstone Nat. Park (above Camp 7) Aug. 14

[[red checkmark]] 698 Bromus breviaristatus Thurb. Timber Reserve (dry creek bottom) Sept. 4

[[blue checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 699 Agrostis canina L. Yellowstone Nat. P. Aug. 16.

[[blue checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 700 Agrostis humilis Vasey. Yellow. Nat. P. (north of Camp 11, high Mt.) Aug. 19.

[[blue checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 701 Poa reflexa Vasey & Scribner. Yellow. Nat. Park (near top of Mtn. Nth. of Camp 11)  Aug. 19.

[[blue checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 702 Alopecurus geniculatus L. Yellowstone N. P (North of Camp 11) Aug. 19

[[blue checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 703 Poa Alpina L. Yellow. Nat. Park (North of Camp 11) Aug. 19.

[[red checkmark]] [[blue checkmark]] 704 Townsendia  incana Nutt. Yellowstone Nat. Park  Aug. 19.

[[red checkmark]] [[blue checkmark]] 705 Marchantia polymorpha, L.  Northwestern Wyoming (near Camp 3) Aug. 8

[[red checkmark]] 706 Hypnum reptile Michx Southern Montana   Aug. 22.

[[[red checkmark]] 707 Mnium punctatum Hedw    "  " [[dittos for: Southern Montana]]  Sept. 11

[[red checkmark]] 708 Orthotrichum anomalum  Timber Reserve

Transcription Notes:
(@AntelopeWest) I have restored the format previously established. There are 4 columns across 2 pages. Columns will be marked [[|]]