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[[preprinted]] 39 [[/preprinted]]

1508. ^[[red asterisk]] Ionoxalis primavera Rose  sp. nov. 5 n.y. Mex. Gray. MoBG. Kew [[checkmark]]

1509. Begonia   2

1510.    flowers in dense clusters, white

1511. [[Tillea?]] tree  Called "Iuahlote" [[cuaulote]] in Verra Cruz  1  in West Mex "Guasima" [[guasimo]]

1512. Smilax    2

1513. Solanum refractum Hook. & Arn.  Mex. [[checkmark]] [[strikethrough]] 1 [[/strikethrough]] Thorny leaves; orange fruit

1514. Randia    1    small white fls; bush 2 to 3 ft high

1515. Couepia polyandra (HBK.) Rose

1516. Rendia

1517. [[strikethrough]] Elephantopus spicatus Juss. [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Capparis cynophallophora L.]]  StL. Kew. [[checkmark]] ny. Gray., Mex.

1518. Pithecolobium  Gray St.L. Kew, n.y. [[checkmark]]  July 2&3