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1695. Ficus  2  Foothills of the Sierra Madre, Sinaloa. Near Colomas. July 16.
orbicular leaves alt 3000 ft

1696. Bignoniacea  1  " " " " " " " "  [[Dittos for: Foothills of the Sierra Madre, Sinaloa. Near Colomas. July 16.]]
pods rough.

1697. Vitex Kew. Mex. Ny. " " " " " " " "  [[Dittos for: Foothills of the Sierra Madre, Sinaloa. Near Colomas. July 16.]]

1698. [[red asterisk]] Triumfetta dehiscens Rose spnov.  " " " " " " " "  [[Dittos for: Foothills of the Sierra Madre, Sinaloa. Near Colomas. July 16.]] Like Heliocarpus but different fruit  Gray, Mex, N.Y.

1699. net veined flowers  1  " " " " " " " "  [[Dittos for: Foothills of the Sierra Madre, Sinaloa. Near Colomas. July 16.]]

1700. [[checkmark for: net veined flowers]] " " " " " " " "  [[Dittos for: Foothills of the Sierra Madre, Sinaloa. Near Colomas. July 16.]] racemes leafy

1701. Inga   3  " " " " " " " "  [[Dittos for: Foothills of the Sierra Madre, Sinaloa. Near Colomas. July 16.]] Alt 2900 ft  tree

1702. Psidium  " " " " " " " "  [[Dittos for: Foothills of the Sierra Madre, Sinaloa. Near Colomas. July 16.]]

1703.  fruit red  1  " " " " " " " "  [[Dittos for: Foothills of the Sierra Madre, Sinaloa. Near Colomas. July 16.]]

1704. Ficus  5  " " " " " " " "  [[Dittos for: Foothills of the Sierra Madre, Sinaloa. Near Colomas. July 16.]] Tree, 50 ft high

1705. Ceiba grandiflora Rose.  6 foliage only " " " " " " " "  [[Dittos for: Foothills of the Sierra Madre, Sinaloa. Near Colomas. July 16.]]
 Ceiba grandiflora Rose. Mex Gray Ny Cal Kew Mo.  Tree 35 ft high trunks smooth branches smooth or thorny.