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[[Along right margin, the letters H through W, as in an address book]]

1797  [[checkmark for: Erythrina]]  1 Foothills of the Sierra Madre, Sinaloa. Near Colomas July 20, '97  fruit white

1798 Acalypha  1  Near Colomas  July 18

1799 Tillandsia

1800 Ilex?  2  Alt 500 ft  July 21.  fruit red: Shrub 10 ft high

1801 Tribulus  Ny. [[checkmark]]  fls small

1802 Heliotropium  fls very small. white.

1803 Sedge  2  fls Eryngium like

1804 milkweed  1  vine; fls pubescent with m

1805 [[red asterisk]] Mimosa eurycarpoides Rob  New Mimosa

1806 Hechtia suaveolens Morr.? Ny. [[checkmark]] Aloe

1807 Nanche [[Byrsonima crassifolia?]]  Kew. Mex. N.Y. [[checkmark]] Above Colomas Alt 2700 ft July 19

1808 Pellaea rigida (Sw.) Hook.  Herb. Gr. 1sp