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[[strikethrough]] 4th [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 3rd [[/underlined]]  June 1931. [[underlined]] Very [[/underlined]] hot & humid, much v. hot sun in aft. after a very wet week.
Powerscourt demesne, Co. WI. Slopes up to & sandpit on plateau, just above Tinnahinch gate. 3.30 till 5.30 pm.
[[underlined]] Bombus lapidarius [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] [[underlined]] B. lucorum [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]] & 1 [[virgin female symbols]] on Sycamore (MDS).
[[underlined]] B. agrorum [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]]. [[underlined]] B. deshamellus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] B. hortorum [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]] on Comfrey.
[[underlined]] Psithyrus campestris [[/underlined]], v. black; [[underlined]] Ps. barbatellus [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] distinctus [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] each. [[line]]
[[underlined]] Andrena nigroaenea [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbol]], [[underlined]] A. wilkella [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]].
[[underlined]] A. fucata [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] [[underlined]] A. [[strikethrough]] lapponica [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ fucata [[/underlined]] var. with dark tarsi, 1 [[male symbol]] near gate, by avenue.
[[underlined]] A. albicans [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]]. [[underlined]] A. subopaea [[/underlined]] ? [[male symbol]] in sandpit.
[[underlined]] A. cineraria [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] & [[2 female symbol]] in sandpit
[[underlined]] Halictus tumulorum, leucopus, subicundus, calceatus, albipes [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] freygessneri [[/underlined]], all  in sandpit.
[[underlined]] Sph. affinis [[/underlined]], very small form, [[2 female symbols]].  All in sandpit.
[[underlined]] Nomada marshamella, rupicornis, bifida [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] flavoguttata [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]] all in sand-pit.
[[underlined]] Pompilus gibbus [[/underlined]] on slopes & in sandpit; [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]].

[[underlined]] Athalia [[/underlined]] ([[male symbol]] & seen) [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] Tenthredella temula [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] seen at hawthorn by avenue.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


[[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] 3/6/31. Powerscourt cont.
[[underlined]] Cratichneumon [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] at oak.
[[underlined]] Agryphon [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] at oak
[[underlined]] Sphecophaga vesparum [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbol]] frequent near sandpit.

MDS & boys saw a Painted Lady butterfly by avenue.

[[line across page]]

7th June '31. A warm, very showery day & only some patches of sun. Morning (in museum in aft.)
Drove through terrific rain to Bray (where no rain) & worked sandy cliff at Vallambrosa, Co. DU = 1 
Then to marsh opposite chapel at Kilmaranoge Co. WI. = 2 & Rocky Valley Co. WI. at W. end = 3. Very little sun!
[[underlined]] Bombus agrorum [[underlined]] [[2 female symbols]], very few, at 1 & 3.  [[underlined]] B. muscorum [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] at 3.
[[underlined]] B. lapidarius [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] at 3.
[[underlined]] Andrena wilkella [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbol]] at 1 & 3. [[underlined]] A. cineraria [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbol]] & [[2 female symbol]] at 3.
[[underlined]] A. saundersella [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] stytopized [[female symbol]] at 1.
[[underlined]] Halictus rubicundus, tumulorum, leucopus, freygessneri [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] [[arrow]] 1 [[female symbol]] on flowers of gorse! & [[underlined]] albipes [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]] at 3.
[[underlined]] Sphecodes affinis [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]] at 3, on Bellis.