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25th Oct. 1931. A fine day, after several such with frosty nights, but strong very cold NE wind between noon & 4 pm. Oak wood on S.E. slope of Carrick Mt., above Glenealy Lodge, Co. WI [labelled "Glenealy"!] 11-30 AM till 3-30 pm: almost all sunny!
[[underlined]] Bombus agrorum [[/underlined]] 1 torpid [[male symbol]] seen; ? others heard.
[[underlined]] Vespa vulgaris [[/underlined]] [[2 virgin female symbols]]: a few seen.
[[underlined]] Stenichneumon defraudator [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] taken on oak bush.
[[underlined]] Xylonomus praecatorius [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] beaten out of oak bush

[[underlined]] Pimpla turionellae [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]]. [[underlined]] P. inquisitor [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] [[strikethrough]] taken [[/strikethrough]] at [[underlined]] Calluna [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] P. rufata vera [[/underlined]]! 1 [[female symbol]] with yellow stripes on thorax.
Campoplegids frequent & about a dozen taken. [[2 male symbols]] mostly flying to oaks, [[2 female symbols]] beaten.

Orthocentrus spp beaten off oak & beech

[[underlined]] Stenomacrus ventralis [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] & other sp? beaten.

3 Larvae of [[underlined]] Pteronidea curtispina [[/underlined]] ? [[insertion]] - 1 [[female symbol]] em. 9.5.1932 & 2 [[2 female symbols]] on 10/5/32 [[/insertion]] (green with pink dorsal stripe!) on Salix.
[NB. Many dead & mould enshrouded [[2 male symbols]] [[underlined]] Orthocentrus [[/underlined]], &c, on underside of leaves of trees, where there had died with extended wings!]

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28th Oct 1931. A fine day, but sun patchy in aft. N.E. corner of oak-wood at Glen of the Downs, Co. WI. 2-15 - 3-40 pm.
[[underlined]] Vespa vulgaris [[/underlined]] frequent.
Ichneumon deliratorius [[male symbol]] ?
Phygadeuon ?
Hemiteles ? [[female symbol]], very fat. 
Campoplegid several
[[underlined]] Pimpla [[/underlined]] angens ?? [[female symbol]] at Hazel bush
[[female symbol]] ? Cryptid with long tenebra beaten.
[[side note]] Mostly beaten off oak or hazel [[/side note]]

[[underlined]] Stenomacrus ventralis [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]].
S. sp? black [[female symbol]] S. sp.? smaller [[female symbol]], compressed abd.

[[underlined]] Rhogas [[/underlined]] sp. 3 [[2 female symbols]]