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125. [[underlined]] H. longiventris [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] ? "Correct, compared with Holmgren's [[underlined]] pumilus [[/underlined]] '[[male symbol]]'. [Sorry the abdomen is missing & not to be found in the box!]" A.R.
125 from Rathdrum, WI. 13.7.29.
x 126. [[underlined]] Bassus [[/underlined]] sp. Is [[underlined]] annulatus [[/underlined]] distinct from [[underlined]] varicoxa [[/underlined]] & which is this? "Is [[underlined]] varicoxa [[/underlined]] Thoms. [[male symbol]]. In my 2 [[2 male symbols]] of [[underlined]] annulatus [[/underlined]], from Lapland, the face is totally yellow, the antennae red beneath, the mesonotum & scutellum quite black & the broad end of the hind tibiae clear red." A.R.
126 from Portrane, DU. 31.8.30.
x 127. [[underlined]] B. albosignatus [[/underlined]] var.? If this is [[underlined]] albosignatus [[/underlined]] then all Irish specimens have black hind coxae! If not this, what is it please. "It is [[underlined]] varicoxa [[/underlined]] Thoms. [[female symbol]]. In Sweden, too, [[underlined]] varicoxa [[/underlined]] seems to be commoner than [[underlined]] albosignatus [[/underlined]]. The [[male symbol]] is rarer than the [[female symbol]], at least in Sweden." AR.
127 from Rathrum, WI. 26.7.30.
x 128. [[underlined]] Orthocentrus [[strikethrough]] fulvipes [[/strikethrough]] [[/underlined]] radialis [[female symbol]]. [[insertion]] - See further note on p. 98 [[arrow]] [[/insertion]] Is [[underlined]] radialis [[/underlined]] Thoms. distinct from this? Morley says it is commoner than [[underlined]] fulvipes [[/underlined]] in England! "Correct. I do not know [[underlined]] radialis [[/underlined]]. Thomson's types are not here but in Lund, 10 hours' railway to the south." A.R.
128 from Slade Brook, Glenasmole, DU. 1.10.30.

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x 129. [[underlined]] Orthocentrus protuberans [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]]. "Correct. In northern Sweden probably the commonest species of [[underlined]] Ortho. [[/underlined]] s. st." A.R.
129 from Clara, WI. 23.11.30.
130. [[underlined]] Triclistus [[/underlined]] sp.? Is this [[underlined]] lativentris [[/underlined]] or only [[underlined]] podagricus [[/underlined]] ? "= [[underlined]] T. congener [[/underlined]] Holmgrn. [[male symbol]]." A.R.
130 from Arklow Head, WI. 15.8.30.
131. [[underlined]] Chorinaeus longicalcar [[/underlined]] ? Johnson named it [[underlined]] longicornis [[/underlined]] ? "It seems to be, indeed, [[underlined]] longicornis [[/underlined]] Thoms. [[underlined]] Longicalcar [[/underlined]] (the correct name for which is [[underlined]] subcarinatus [[/underlined]] Hlgn.) is more a northern [[strikethrough]] species [[/strikethrough]] & mountain species; the type is from Lapland." A.R.
131 from Malahide, DU. 1.5.21.
132. Taken in Devon, England, by S.R.C.L. Perkins. I can make nothing out of this unless it is [[underlined]] Anarthronota thuringiaca [[/underlined]] Schmied. "I have the same species (1 [[female symbol]]) from Holland named by Smits (?) v. Burgst as [[underlined]] A. thuringiaca [[/underlined]] ! If that is correct, Schmied.'s description is very poor." A.R.
132 from E. Dartmoor, Devon. R.C.L.P. 4.5.23.
133. [[underlined]] Hadrodactylus sp. [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] ^ [ [[underlined]] insignis [[/underlined]] ?] [[/insertion]] "Is [[underlined]] insignis [[/underlined]] Krb. [[male symbol]]. Agrees also with [[underlined]] varicoxa [[/underlined]] Thoms., but nothing is said about the 1st segm., so it is not certain this name is a synonym of [[underlined]] insignis [[/underlined]]." A.R.
133 from Powerscourt, WI. 19.6.25.