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[[preprinted]] Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet

[[underlined]] STOCKHOLM 50 [[/underlined]]
Den [[/preprinted]] 22/3 32.

Dear Mr Stelfox,
By your letter of March 16th, received yesterday, I found to my surprise & sorrow, that I had disturbed your mourning after a recently lost child. Of course nothing like that was intended, but chances has its ways. If my lines have given, for the moment, your thoughts another direction, they may have been of some use. In any case I am glad for your letter, but at the same time a little ashamed, for you remind me of a discussion I had totally forgotten. My mentioning the Glypta nigrotroch. Str. depended on my having found once more its resemblance to a mensurator in a Swedish collection I was perusing with the agreable intention to keep the interesting things.