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Dr. Roman's p.c. of 5/12/31 cont. 
I find on fir trunks ([[underlined]] Pinus sylvestris [[/underlined]]) in autumn & also hibernating under bark of the same tree. The questionable [[underlined]] Hemiteles incisus [[/underlined]] Bdg. is not rare on birch trunks. Of [[underlined]] Delomerista [[/underlined]] you have perhaps taken [[underlined]] mandibularis [[/underlined]] Grav. with [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] slenderer & more long-jointed antennae. It occurs in this country with 3 different lengths of terebra, the shortest on spruce. [[strikethrough]] It occurs [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] D. laevifrons [[/underlined]] does not differ in the terebra & occurs in June on juniper ... -The [[underlined]] Campoplex lapponica [[/underlined]] Morley records from Kashmir I saw in BM & it is quite another species. 
... In behalf of [[underlined]] Diaborus [[/underlined]]  [his new sp. [[underlined]] D. inversus [[/underlined]] ] I have had occasion to make acquaintance with Thomson's species. The results was that [[underlined]] lituratorius, pallitarsis [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] frontalis [[/underlined]] may be reckoned as species; [[underlined]] filipalpis [[/underlined]] belongs to [[underlined]] lituratorius [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] nigrifrons [[/underlined]] to [[underlined]] pallitarsis [[/underlined]. 
[[underlined]] Pallitarsis-nigrifrons [[/underlined]] is not rare in northern Sweden & I have seen it also from the Silesian Mts. in Germany; it is a melanic variety. What Morley calls [[underlined]] lituratorius [[/underlined]] seems to be [[underlined]] pallitarsis [[/underlined]], at least the form occurring in gardens on gooseberry bushes, for I have found it so myself. To these 3 species now 

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come two exclusively northern ones, both with the abdominal spots linear.

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The labels on specimens spent by Dr. Roman are abbreviated thus: - "Lu.L. = part of Lapland. Nbt = coast province [[striketrhough]] of [[/strikethorugh]] E. of Lapland. Stm. = Stockholm. Torne Tr. = lake in N. Lapland. on its shore is the nat. park of Abisko." A.R.

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[[underlined]] 9th Dec. 1931. [[/underlined]] A dull, cold, windy [[insertion]] (W. wind) [[/insertion]] day, nearly raining! Slade of Saggart, Co. Du. 
Ivy blossom over & nothing taken by beating.

[[line across page]] 

13th Dec. 1931. A beautiful winter's day, with no wind & much sun! 
Deerpark, Powerscourt & the Maulan cliffs above same, Co. WI. 
Ichneumon suspiciosus [[female symbol]] under bark of log. 
[[underlined]] Hemiteles [[/underlined]] sp. [[female symbol]] disturbed from moss? on same log. 

Also beat out of [[strikethrough]] lichens on birch tree branches [[/strikethrough]] lichen-covered branches of birch trees on top of cliffs at 1,000 (ca.) ft. alt. 5 specimens of the beetle Rabocerus gabrieli only [[strikethrough] & 1 of [[/strikethrough]] added to Irish list in 1929 by O'Mahony from Powerscourt demesne.

Transcription Notes:
I changed "county" to "country" in the 1st paragraph of the left hand page. Otherwise seems good to go.--thomasc