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monids taken in 2 months by Mr. R. Malaise. I knew him before he travelled there, so when he took saw-flies for his own part he remembered me & kept all Ichneumonids he secured at the same time. The general impression is that of a black-legged fauna, often with the whole abdomen black, too. I should think at least 1/3 of the species are European, but sometimes in colour forms difficult to recognise. It is evidently a coastal fauna, though extended pretty far into the country, but the interesting thing is that the climatic conditions recalling in such a dark fauna are partly [[insertion]] the [[/insertion]] reverse to yours. The sea around Ireland is temperate all the year, at Vladivostok & N. W. Japan it is icy cold all the year. In summer you have too little sun, at Vladivostok there is plenty of it. Ireland has a moist climate all the year, E. Siberia mostly in spring & autumn, but in spring with violent differences between day & night temperatures. 
As to Schizoloma it looks as if it had two kinds of [[2 male symbols]]. For several authors mention both sexes of amictum without observing any difference in the form of the head. Thomson says he found it in plenty in one locality, but without expressly stating the sex. And of capitatum few.