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24/6/32 cont. Glencullen, WI. cont.
[[underlined]] Tenthredella temula [[/underlined]] 1 worn [[female symbol]] apparently ovipositing on [[underlined]] Rubus [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] T. ferruginea [[/underlined]], typical & black form. [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]]. [[underlined]] T. livida [[/underlined]] ditto.
[[underlined]] T. mesomelas [[/underlined]]. [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]].
[[underlined]] Blennocampa affinis [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] RCLP. [[female symbol]], on bracken. New to Irish List!
[[underlined]] Selandria stramineipes [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]]?

[[underlined]] Pimpla [[/underlined]] ([[underlined]] Delomerista [[/underlined]]) 4 [[2 male symbols]] on oak [[strikethrough]] by [[/strikethrough]] on river flat.
[[underlined]] Ephialtes [[/underlined]] tenuiventris 1 [[female symbol]] on same oak.
Black Cryptid [[male symbol]], with white socks.

About 4 spp. of Tryphonids ([[underlined]] Mesoleptini & Mesoleini [[/underlined]] ?)

[[underlined]] Calyptus tibialis [[/underlined]] ? [[male symbol]].

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26th June 1932. A dull warm day, with W. wind. Left Dublin at 11 AM & drove to Duncannon, via Arklow, Enniscorthy & New Ross. Stopped at "channel", S of Inch, WX, where collected [[strikethrough]] two [[/strikethrough]] one Braconids [[insertion]] ^ & one Chalcid [[/insertion]] then to railway above Ballyanne, N. of New Ross, WX where collected [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] [[underlined]] Athalia [[/underlined]]; also stopped at Scarawalsh Bridge, N. of Enniscorthy where colony of [[underlined]] Colletes montanus [[/underlined]] on parapets of bridge in full swing, all [[specimens?]] very fresh; visited road to ferry at Ballyhack, WX, & saw many tunnels of bees & 1 [[male symbol]] [[underlined]] Hylaeus [[/underlined]] on Jasione (missed!).
Roadside, S. of Inch, WX. 1 p.m.
[[underlined]] Aphidius [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]]. [[strikethrough]] Dacnusa [[male symbol]] [[/strikethrough]] Chalcid. see below
Scarawalsh Bridge, WI. 2 p.m.
[[underlined]] Colletes montanus [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] abundant, some [[2 female symbols]], evidently collecting pollen on Cow Parsnip.
Ballyanne, WX. 3.30 - 4.0 pm.
[[underlined]] Athalia lineolata [[/underlined]]. [[insertion]] [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] ([[checkmark]] 5/3/33). [[/insertion]] Tenthredopsis [[female symbol]]. [[underlined]] Dacnusa [[/underlined]] sp 1 [[male symbol]]
[[underlined]] Bombus agrorum [[/underlined]] [[virgin female symbol]] seen. [[underlined]] Vespa sylvestris [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]]
Ballyhack, WX. 5.0 - 5.30 pm.
[[underlined]] Hylaeus [[/underlined]] sp. [[male symbol]] seen on Jasione [[strikethrough]] (like [[underlined]] H. confusus [[/underlined]] !) [[/strikethrough]] H. hyalinatus?
Ichneumon [[male symbol]].