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24/7/32 cont. N. Bull, Du cont.
[[underlined]] Colletes picistigma [[/underlind]] 2 old [[2 male symbols]], 1 fresh [[female symbol]] on [[underlined]] Hypochaeris [[/underlined]].
[[underlined]] Crabro wesmaeli [[/underlined]] common on spurge, &c.
[[underlined]] Bethylus fuscicornis [[/underlind]] 3 shaken out of [[underlined]] Psamma [[/underlined]] roots by E.OM.

[[underlined]] Cryptus viduatorius [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]] on Wild Carrot.

Bracon anthracinus ? 1 [[male symbol]] on Carrot. [[strikethrough]] or Ragwort [[/strikethrough]]
[[underlined]] Sigalphus caudatus [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] on Carrot.
" [[ditto for: Sigalphus]] [[underlined]] floricola [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[female symbol]] on Carrot.
Apanteles 2 [[2 male symbols]] of 2 spp., one with lacteous wings & invisible outer [[nervures?]].

[[line across page]]
24.7.32 evening. Garden at 14 Clareville Rd. DU.
[[underlined]] Chaenon anceps [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] flying round top of large White Currant bush.
[[underlined]] Pimpla maculator [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] common. [[underlined]] P. brevicornis [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[male symbol]].
[[underlined]] Glypta ceratites [[/underlined]] ? [[male symbol]] & [[2 female symbols]].

[[underlined]] Bracon anthracinus [[/underlined]] ? var. of [[female symbol]] with 27 joints in antennae.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

25th July 1932. A windy day, with frequent showers or "skiffs" of rain, warm, good sun-bursts. Drove with Dr. L. B. & Mrs. Smyth, & Miss Buchanan to Ballinderry Crannoge, near Moate, Co. WH. to inspect section of bog & crannoge, excavated by the U.S. archeologist Dr. O'Neill-Hencken. Stopped by streamside at Horseleap & collected on both sides of boundary stream, WH & KC, (=1); then drove on to Ballinderry, WH (=2); on return journey stopped at moraine S. of road at Newtownlow, Co. WH. for an hour (=3). Most from 1 taken in KC & all so labelled unless certainly from WH.
[[underlined]] Bombus lucorum [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 virgin female symbols]] at 1, 2 & 3. [[underlined]] B. hortorum [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] at 1.
[[underlined]] B. agrorum [[/underlined]] [[2 virgin female symbols]] at 1, 2 & 3. [[underlined]] B. muscorum [[/underlined]] 1 [[virgin female symbol]] at 2.
[[underlined]] Psithyrus barbutellus [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] on Knapweed at 3.
[[underlined]] Ps. distinctus [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] on [[underlined]] Angelica [[/underlined]] at 2.
[[underlined]] Vespa sylvestris [[/underlined]] [[2 virgin female symbols]] (? [[2 male symbols]]) abundant on Angelica in marsh at 2.
[[underlined]] Tenthredo "arcuatus" [[/underlined]] on flower at 1, 2 & 3.
[[underlined]] Athalia lugens [[/underlined]] on [[underlined]] Angelica [[/underlined]] at 2.
[[underlined]] Pteronidea myosotidis [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 male symbols]] at 1 Selandria flavens, 2 [[2 male symbols]] at 1.
[[underlined]] Lissonota bellator [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] at 1. [[underlined]] Glypta mensurator [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[male symbol]] at 1.

[[underlined]] Stylocryptus profligator [[/underlined]] ? 2 [[2 female symbols]] at 1. [[insertion]] on carrot in WH. [[/insertion]] [[underlined]] Attractodes tenebricosus [[/underlined]] ? [[male symbol]] at 1.