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16th Aug. 1932 Afternoon. Drove to L. Eske, N. of Donegal town & collected a few insects on shores at each side of outlet of lake: very few insects except Diptera.
W. side of outlet = 1; E. side = 2.
[[underlined]] Bombus lucorum [[/underlined]] at 1 & 2, [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 virgin female symbols]]. [[underlined]] B. agrorum [[/underlined]] ditto! [[ditto for: at 1 & 2, [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 virgin female symbols]]
[[underlined]] B. muscorum [[/underlined]] several [[2 virgin female symbols]] at 2 on [[underlined]] Calluna [[/underlined]].
[[underlined]] B. jonellus [[/underlined]] 1 fresh [[female symbol]] on Calluna at 2.
[[underlined]] Psithyrus distinctus [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] at 1 & 2.
[[underlined]] Vespa rufa [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] ^ [[male symbol]] [[/insertion]] & sylvestris [[virgin female symbol]] at 2
[[underlined]] Halictus freygessneri [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] on Calluna at 2.
[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Fenusa pumila [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] [[strikethrough]] - NO! [[/strikethrough]] [[/insertion]] = [[underlined]] Selandria morio [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] [[checkmark]] RCLP. [[/insertion]] [[female symbol]] at 1. Tenthredo [[vertical line]] spp. [[underlined]] Athalia lugens [[/underlined]] [[vertical line]] seen at 1
Proctotrypid at 1
Bracon sp. [[female symbol]] at 2.
2 Ichs. on Angelica at 1.
[Proctotrypid taken in rock pool near harbour, Bundoran, ED. 16.8.32].
[Took [[female symbol]] [[underlined]] Polyclistus mansuetor [[/underlined]] on window of house! [[strikethrough]] ] [[/strikethrough]] in Bundoran, ED]
[[line across page]]
17th Aug. 1932. After a very wet night, warm, misty rain, mainly dull, some sun in forenoon; afternoon drier, cooler & quite dull.
11.30 till 1.0 PM. N. end of Bunduff Strand, Co. SL. as before.
Bombus derhamellus [[2 virgin female symbols]], & fresh [[2 female symbols]] seen in fields above cliffs, as well as 1 [[male symbol]].
[[underlined]] Psithyrus campestris [[/underlined]] 1 fresh [[male symbol]] of dark var.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


17.8.32 cont. Bunduff, Sl., cont. [[underlined]] Tenthredo [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] Mellinus arvensis [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] abundant on sea slope of dunes on coltsfoot.
[[underlined]] Stylocryptus [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 female symbols]]. Another [[female symbol]] Cryptid with long terebra & red spots on propodeum.
[[underlined]] Melanichneumon perscrutator [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] ?
[[underlined]] Bassus varicoxa [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] several [[2 male symbols]] on coltsfoot leaves on sea slope.
[[underlined]] Homocidus obscuripes [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]]. H. 1 [[male symbol]].
[[underlined]] Pimpla brevicornis [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[male symbol]]. [[underlined]] Phytodictus [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] Macrocentrus [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Aspilota distracta [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]].
Proctotrypid with short wings.
[[line across page]]
17.8.32 afternoon. Streedagh Point & dunes, Co. SL.
[[underlined]] Bombus lucorum [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 virgin female symbols]]; the only species of bumble seen.
[[underlined]] Psithyrus [[strikethrough]] distinctus [[/strikethrough]] [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] ^ barbutellus [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] AWS. 11/1/33 [[/insertion]] 1 fresh [[male symbol]]. [[insertion]] [Took small [[underlined]] Helicella intersecta [[/underlined]] on sward above cliffs & also in dunes!] [[/insertion]]
[[underlined]] Mellinus arvensis [[/underlined]] common in dunes.
[[underlined]] Pompilus gibbus [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]]. [[underlined]] P. plumbeus [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] seen, [[female symbol]] taken in dunes.
[[underlined]] Lissonota [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] on thistle by road.
[[underlined]] Myrmica ruginodis [[/underlined]] nests very common.
Collected some beetles by shaking seaweed & under stones in dunes; also three very small hymenoptera shaken out of seaweed on shore.
= ? 3 [[2 male symbols]] of [[underlined]] Nedinoptera subaptera [[/underlined]] Walker (in Kieffer!): see Walker Ent. Mag. 1835, II, 117; also Morley in Entomological, 1932, p. 133.
[Took Proctotrypid on surface of rock pool at Bundoran, ED.] [[insertion]] - see note under date 16.8.32. [[/insertion]]