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duplicates, though each possesses an individuality which will justify installing them all as part of the permanent Museum Exhibit when they are returned.
  Cases have been partially prepared for arranging the various boat models along the North wall of the West Hall.  Efforts are being made to rearrange the material now in the West Hall to display the specimens of this department to the best advantage without intruding in any way with those of other departments.
A number of descriptive cards have been prepared which will be available for "copy" for labels - an considerable ms. "copy" for the same purpose has been written.
  Mr Sweeney has been busy mounting specimens of Alaskan Ethnology, and clearing up a vast accumulation of material that has been suffering from neglect for some time.
  Mr Towne has been engaged in preparing food and other specimens committed to his charge. He has [[poisoned ?]] several pieces of clothing, etc., and, as soon as a box which is being prepared under his personal supervision is completed, he will be prepared to care for a large number