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U.S. National Museum 
Washington - March 1st 1883

G. Brown Goode Corp[[?]]
Curator - Department of Art Industries - U.S. National Museum. 

I submit herewith my report of the division under my charge for the month of February 1883, referring to certain annexed memoranda for details as follows, viz [[?]]: - 
A. Entries in Catalogue. 
B. Description and Installation of Specimens. 
C. Preparation of Labels. 
The greater part of the time has been devoted to the preparation of copy for labels, studying specimens and office works, the continuance of the pressure of general Museum work still hindering the work of installation. 
I regret to report the destruction of two of the specimens entrusted to my care - viz: - Ao 1919 a small round mirror of European manufactured collected by Lieut. G. K. Warren