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72627 An upright or Cabinet Piano made expressly for and presented to the Museum by Messrs Steinway Sons - New York.
72628/99 A large and elaborate collection of fishing implements used by the Makah, Naidah and Sitka Indians of the N.W. Coast. received from James G. Swan, Port Townsend N.J.
72703/7 Specimens of bead work made by the Cochwawanga Indians of Montreal, Can. received from A. Wellington Hart.
72708/43 An interesting collection of weapons, textile fabrics and basketware from Africa, received in exchange from the Musueum für VölkerKunde in Leipzig, Germany.
72744/5 Two models of fishing boats used in Formosa, China - received from the Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs. These were overlooked when the other Chinese boat models were entered.
72746/7 Pair of Turkish Slippers and The game of 31 - received from Barnett Phillips, New York.
72748 Hank of raw silk received from the Women's Silk Culture Association of the U.S. Philadelphia, Penn.