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Country: Colombia




Transcription Notes:
Note a clarification to what a person below has written: At the time Triana was collecting, Republic of New Granada included what is now Colombia but also included what is now Panama. Panama seceded from Colombia in 1903. So, using Colombia for place of collection is probably correct, but it should be noted that plant could also have been collected in what is now Panama also. (also, person below deleted other notes formerly here, which you are not supposed to do). 1. The collector Jos?? Jer??nimo Triana was born in Bogota (Colombia) 2. between 1851 and 1856/7 he did several expeditions in the north of Southamerica ( 3. At that time this part of the world was called Republik of New Granada 4. He wrote the books "Nuevos g??neros y especies de plantas para la flora neogranadina. 1855" "Flora colombiana. 1856" therefore "N. Grenada" means Neogranada or New Granada which may refer to various former national denominations for the present-day country of Colombia