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[[underlined]] JAMES B. FORD LIBRARY. [[/underlined]]

The accessions from April 1, 1938 to March 31, 1939 are as follows:

Books -
Purchase 95
Gift  [[underlined]] 59 [[/underlined]] 154

Pamphlets -
Purchase 37
Gift   [[underlined]] 225 [[/underlined]] 262

Serials - 951
Photostats -- 9
Clippings - 105
Maps -
Purchase 11
Gift [[underlined]] 11 [[/underlined]] 22
Photographs -  51
Stamps and covers - 15
Music Scores - 6
Miscellaneous - [[underlined]] 6 [[/underlined]]
Total ..... 1,581

There have been 183 readers and 366 mail or telephone inquiries during the year.

The Library carries 11 paid subscriptions in various societies for their publications.
There were 2 new serial issues added during the year.

[[underlined]] PUBLICATIONS. [[/underlined]]

During the year one publication was issued in the Contribution series, "Archeological Notes on Texas Canyon, Arizona, No. 3".
The sales of publications amounted to $473.63
and of the 2 series of post cards to 59.40

[[underlined]] PHOTOGRAPHIC DEPARTMENT. [[/underlined]]

Moving picture film, negative (None added during the year) 20,130 feet
Moving picture film, positive (None added during the year) 25,471 feet
Negatives (An increase of 130 during the year)  21,666
Prints  (An increase of 472 during the year) 13,675
Lantern slides  (None added during the year) 1,146