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Miller and William F. Stiles, were duly appointed to the Staff Committee to serve until the next Annual Meeting of the Board. 

The annual report for the fiscal year ending April 1, 1942, of the Board of Trustees to the Grantor, under the provisions of the Foundation Deed dated May 10, 1916, was duly presented to this meeting and was approved, and the original filed with the Grantor and a copy inserted in the minute book, as part of the records of this meeting.

At the annual meeting the Chairman submitted a proposed budget for the fiscal year 1942-1943, with a comparative statement showing the budget for the year 1941-1942, as adopted, and a statement of the actual expenditures for the latter period. On motion, duly made and seconded, the proposed budget for the year 1942-1943 as submitted by the Chairman was approved and adopted. In view of the fact that the Museum's expectancy of income was less than the $28,000. called for by the budget, the Trustees considered various means of increasing the income and of saving expenses and the 1942-1943 budget was ordered to be submitted at the October meeting of the Board for reconsideration. 

Dr. George G. Heye submitted a letter dated May 5, 1942, written by himself, a copy of which follows: 

"As Grantor named in the Foundation Deed of your Institution, dated May 10, 1916, and as your Chairman I desire to make the following recommendations to you. 

"Throughout the years your Institution has acquired by gift, by purchase, bequest or devise, collections and specimens having to do generally with carrying out the Museum's Objects and Purposes, but some of these