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"RESOLVED that no specimen forming a part of the Collections of the Museum shall be sold unless the Staff Committee of the Museum by vote or written action of not less than a majority of its members, concurred in writing by the Treasurer or by any two members of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees other than the Chairman, shall have declared said specimen to be of no further scientific value to this Institution in carrying out its objects and purposes and shall fix the minimum price for which it may be sold; and further

"RESOLVED that the Staff Committee may determine the method of disposal of any specimen so authorized to be sold at public or private sale, and the Staff Committee is hereby authorized to fix the terms and conditions of all such sales and in their discretion to appoint agents or intermediaries to negotiate and/or effectuate such sales; and further

"RESOLVED that the proceeds from all such sales shall be deposited in the Museum's bank account and shall be allocated by the Treasurer in his discretion to such accounts as to him may seem proper and conducive to the more effectual carrying out of the objects and purposes of this Institution as set forth in the Foundation Deed. 

Very truly yours, 

(Signed) George G. Heye,