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[[underlined]] BEQUESTS [[/underlined]]

The remaining sixty per cent of the bequest of Ten Thousand dollars, left the Museum by the late John J. Schmitt, has been paid during the fiscal year. 

[[underlined]] LOAN EXHIBITS [[/underlined]]

Russell Sage Foundation - 14 pieces of archaeology and ethnology for traveling exhibit for the instruction of the blind. Period: Approximately 1 year.

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis - 7 pieces of archaeology and ethnology for special exhibit connected with drive for Marine Corps enlistments. Period: 6 weeks.

Museum of Costume Art - 13 pieces of dance and ceremonial costume to augment special mask exhibit. Period: 3 months. 

Pieces loaned to Museum of Modern Art for traveling exhibit have been returned. Several requests for loans were refused. 

[[underlined]] GIFTS [[/underlined]]

The following made gifts to the Museum of specimens and other objects: 

Albertype Company, The
Amerind Foundation, Inc.
Archaeological Society of New Jersey
Baldwin, Roger N.
Barbeau, Dr. Marius
Berentz, Miss Clara