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Verplanck, James DeLancey
Verplanck, J. B. R. 
Viking Fund Inc., The
Weld, Mrs. C. R. 
White, Miss Elizabeth Joan
White, Mrs. John
White Studio, Inc.
Whitford, Dr. A. C. 
Whitsett, R. B. Jr.
Williams, Blair S. 
Williams, Miss Violet
Wilson, Frank
Wilson, Sidney S. 
Winn, Vetal
Wissler, Dr. Clark
Wyoming Historical and Geological Society
Young, Commodore Clarence H. 
Young, Miss L.

[[underlined]] SUMMARY [[/underlined]]

Etchings ..... 1
Frauds ..... 13
Koda-chrome film slides 106
Lithographs (colored) 5
Negatives ..... 127
Newspaper clippings .. 2
Paintings (oil) ..... 2
Photographs ..... 680
Prints ..... 1
Plate - McKenny-Hall (colored) .. 1
Portraits (oil) .... 1
Post cards (colored) .. 37
Post cards ..... 2
Sketches ..... 29
Slide projector and carrying case .... 1
Specimens ..... [[underlined]] 10,099 [[/underlined]]

TOTAL ..... 11,107