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Additionally, we have answered many individual inquiries coming through the American Red Cross, the United Service Organizations, the British Office of War Information and the United States Navy. 

We have admitted service men during all hours of the day, several groups of them having visited the Museum under guidance of uniformed Red Cross and American Woman's Volunteer Service representatives. 

After an offer of the Annex grounds to Borough President Lyons for Victory Garden purposes, Mr. Howard Gordon, Sector Commander, Sector 8, Zone 1, 45th Precinct Air Warden Service, requested the grounds for the use of the neighborhood Wardens. This was granted and the Bronx authorities so notified.

The request of the Fire Department for permission to house auxilliary trailer motor pump truck - supplied for the emergency by the Federal Government - in the garage on the Annex grounds was also granted. 

The Museum staff has purchased, on a Payroll Deduction plan, $3,375.00 (redemption value) of War Savings Bonds Series E from April 1, 1942 - March 31, 1943.