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The Chairman laid before the meeting a letter from G. Forrest Butterworth, of Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft, counsel for Mr. Archer M. Huntington, with which he had transmitted a quitclaim deed, executed by Mr. Huntington and his wife, Anna Hyatt Huntington, to the Bronx Annex real estate, including their reversionary rights of re-entry in the event of failure of said property to be used for the purpose of the Trust. The Chairman laid the instrument before the Board for its consideration, and Mr. Seward as counsel for the Museum commented upon the legal effect of same. After due consideration, on motion duly made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:

RESOLVED, that the delivery of the quitclaim deed duly executed by Archer M. Huntington and Anna Hyatt Huntington, his wife, dated June 1943, in favor of the Board of Trustees of the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, covering real estate deeded to this institution by said grantors by Deed of Trust dated December 25, 1923 be and the same hereby is accepted and that the officers of the corporation be and they are hereby authorized to place the same quitclaim deed on record in due course.

A regular meeting of the Trustees was held on December 7, 1943, when it became the sad duty of the Chairman to announce the death the previous day of Mr. Frederic K. Seward, the Museum's Secretary and Trustee.