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[[underlined]] EXCHANGES [[/underlined]]

Donald B. Cordry - Iroquois and Eskimo masks - for ethnological material from Zapotec, Triani, Mextec, Zoque, Otomi and Aztec Indians of Mexico.

Joseph Keppler - Pouches and pipe bags from the Apache, Kansa, Crow and Sioux - for Crow and Cheyenne pipe bags.

Reading Public Museum and Art Gallery - Mexican and Central American ethnology - for a Mixtec gold ring.

William Shirley Fulton - Miscellaneous archaeology and ethnology - for $408.50.

Brooklyn Museum - Eskimo, Nascapi and Loucheux ethnology - for a collection of pottery, bronze and silver from Tiahuanaco, Bolivia

Ernest Erickson - A Sioux buffalo robe and Eskimo Tlingit, Haida and Kwakiutl ethnology - for Iowa ribbon-work blankets, miscellaneous pieces of ethnology of the plains and southwest tribes, and an exceptional banner stone from Ohio.