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[[underlined]] Disbursements [[/underlined]]
Purchase $200. U.S. Savings Bonds Series G 2 1/2% due 3/1/56 at 100 net [[underlined]] 200.00 [[/underlined]]

Balance March 31, 1944
Cash 1.25     1.25
$5,000. p.v. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R.R. 3 1/2s 1949  4,881.25
7,000. p.v. Texas & Pacific Ry 5s 1980  4,917.50
200. p.v. U.S. Savings Bonds Series G 2 1/2% due 3/1/56  [[underlined]] 200.00 [[/underlined]]  10,000.00

[[underlined]] Bronx Annex Endowment Fund [[/underlined]]
Cash    1,696.91

[[underlined]] Receipts
Amortization of B/M J. Hellman 137 West 87th Street, N.Y.C.    24.49
Dividend - 1% claim allowed - New York Title & Mortgage Co. #37577, 8309 Fifth Avenue (sold) [[underlined]] 4.00 [[/underlined]]    1,725.40

[[underlined]] Disbursements [[/underlined]]
Purchase $1,000 Consolidated Electric & Gas Co. 6/57 at 94 flat    940.00
Purchase $500. U.S. Savings Bonds Series G 2 1/2% due 3/1/56 at 100 net [[underlined]] 500.00     1,440.00 [[/underlined]]

Balance March 31, 1944     285.40

Respectfully submitted,