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The Treasurer presented his report and called attention and discussed in detail certain items in it. He was then authorized, at his discretion, to reduce or pay off the balance of the Museum's loan at the United States Trust Company. 

The Chairman reported that Mr. Keppler had turned over an additional collection of specimens to the Museum as a loan to be known and separately catalogued as the Gyantwaka Collection. 

The Chairman also reported that the Viking Fund, Incorporated, had granted the sum of $2,500. for making a publication on specimens in the Museum from the Spiro Mound, Le Flore County, Oklahoma. In connection with this he reported that Mr. John Maffenbeier had generously consented to lend the specimens in his collection from that location. 

[[underlined]] REPORT OF ATTENDANCE [[/underlined]]

The Museum was closed to the public during July and August last summer, as has been our usual custom. 

For last Fiscal Year, April 1, 1944 - March 31, 1945

1944 April ..... 1,699
May ..... 941
June ..... 1,037
July ) .....
August ) ..... 95
September ..... 1,364
October ..... 1,213
November ..... 1,406
December .... 1,005
1945 January ..... 872
February ..... 1,379
March ..... [[underlined]] 1,427 [[/underlined]]
Total 12,408

Annex Attendance [[underlined]] 365 [[/underlined]]

Grand Total 12,773