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Hodge, Frederick W.
Home Insurance Company
Huntington, Henry E. Library and Art Gallery
Indiana Historical Society
International Harvester Company
Jenness, Dr. Diamond
Jordan, William E.
Kaiser, Miss Ramona
Kasin, Mrs. Pauline
Kenny, Hon. Robert W.
Keppler, Joseph
Kirk, Mrs. Ruth F.
Kyle, Alfred J.
Laboratory of Anthropology
Luxton, Norman E.
MacCord, Howard A.
McCreight, M. I.
McKenzie, Mrs. Angus
Macauley, Mrs. G. H.
Manville, Mrs. H. E.
Medicus, Philip
Menzies, T. P. O.
Merle-Smith, Mrs. Van S.
Michigan Historical Commission
Miller, Kenneth C.
Mills, Miss Emma de Long
Mills, Lee J.
Netherlands Institute of Pacific Relations
Nevada State Park Commission
Newell, Abram B.
Oetteking, Dr. Bruno
Order of Indian Wars
Paalen, Wolfgang
Penner, Mrs. Anna M.
Pinon, Herman Medina
Posnansky, Prof. Arthur
Preuss, Rev. Frederick E.
Provincial Museum of Natural History and Anthropology
Schuster, Dr. Carl
Smith, Carlyle S.
Smithsonian Institution
Squier, H. B.
Thayer, B. W.
Thompson, T. W.