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There have been 118 readers during the year.

Seventy-eight typed bibliographies of varying lengths have been sent to enquirers through the year.

The Library carried 32 paid memberships in various societies for their publications.

There were 6 new serial issues added during the year.

During the year we have had bound 469 volumes at a cost of $1003.85.

Work has continued on the revisionof the vertical file collections.

The Estate of Elizabeth Curtis presented the library with 22 volumes of important local histories of the New England area, principally Connecticut.


Contributions from the Museum volume XIV was completed and distributed. Additionally, new and revised printings of our List of Publications and Aims and Objects were issued in 1946. Now in preparation is a monograph to appear in the Indian Notes and Monographs series as volume XI, number 3. This will cover an interesting collection of Teton Sioux enthnology, the text being written by Frances Densmore who collected the specimens forty years ago.
The sale of publications amounted to $547.45, and of the two series of post cards, to 264.45. But few complete enthnological sets remain; a large stock of less popular cards, however, remains to be disposed of before a new series of color cards are ordered. Now in preparation is a folder containing ten black and white illustrations with a view of the museum on the mailing cover.

Transcription Notes:
second notation for [[large blank space]] - possibly redacted (white out?) information?