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sions of said Foundation Deed and of the Constitution and to insert a copy in the minute book. The Chairman then submitted at the meeting a proposed budget for the fiscal year 1949-1950, which after motion duly made and seconded was adopted and submitted.

At the regular meeting held on October 4, 1949, the Secretary presented to the meeting a notice of the meeting together with an affidavit of the mailing thereof to all the trustees which was approved and ordered filed with the records of the meeting. 

The Secretary then read to the meeting the minutes of the Annual Meeting held on May 3, 1949, and on motion duly made and seconded, the said minutes were approved.

The Treasured presented his report consisting of a balance sheet as at September 30, 1949, a statement of cash receipts and disbursements from April 1, 1949 to September 30, 1949, and a statement of income for the same period. On motion duly made and seconded, the Treasurer's report was accepted and ordered on file.

The Treasurer pointed out that Commonwealth & Southern Corporation was now ready, against surrender of its stock, to distribute cash and securities in accordance with its plan as approved by the S. E. C. and the Courts, and the Treasurer was authorized to surrender the Museum's shares and receive the cash and securities in exchange therefor.

A regular meeting was held December 6, 1949.

The Secretary presented to the meeting a notice of the meeting together with an affidavit of the mailing thereof to all the Trustees which was approved and ordered filed with the records of the meeting.