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of the meeting. 

The Secretary then read to the meeting the minutes of the meeting held on December 6, 1949, and on motion duly made and seconded, the said minutes were approved.

The Treasurer then laid before the meeting his report consisting of a balance sheet as at January 31, 1950, a statement of cash receipts and disbursements from April 1, 1949 to January 31, 1950, and a statement of income for the same period. On motion duly made and seconded, the Treasurer's report was accepted and ordered on file. 

The Chairman laid before the meeting a letter from Caldwell & Scott, Inc., 90 Broad Street, containing an estimate made by them, at Mr. Howell's request, of the probable cost of the repairs at the Annex. Mr. Burnett reported in more detail regarding the various items set forth in the estimate, stating that a new roof was necessary in any event, but that some of the other items might be deferred, and that the aggregate cost, according to the estimate, of the work which probably should be done would be about $28,000. Discussion ensued regarding that funds available for the work, and the Treasurer explained that $25,000. of U.S. Treasury's, shown in the Endowment Fund, had in fact been received from Mr. Huntington without restriction and could be used toward paying for the work. Mr. Howell suggested, and it was the sense of the meeting, that another estimate should be obtained from another concern, and on motion duly made and seconded, Messrs. Haye, Roberts and Burnett were appointed a committee with power, upon obtaining such other estimate, to place such orders for such of the work and upon such terms as they may determine.