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June 16, 1948

Mr. Allen Brown 
510 N Dearborn Street
Chicago, Illinois

Dear Mr. Brown: 

I have your letter of the 14th and regret that you did not tell me more about the pair of frog earrings, whether they are archaeology or ethnology and where exactly they are from. I would like to take a look at them, so if you feel so inclined please send them here on approval. 

Regarding the missing powder horn on your list dated June 3rd, you will note about one-third of the way down it you have this item, antler powder measure, Alaska, $1.00. This piece was received in the shipment. On the same list the 7th item above the bottom of the list, is, medicine horn, Sioux, possibly $1.00. This is the one that is missing and we have gone through the packing three times but could not find it. 

The check will be sent you on the 20th of this month.

With kindest regards believe me 

Yours truly,