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I was unable to get a commissionaire to take him out.  He therefore went with me to see my friends with one of whom we took lunch which George considered "bully."  In the afternoon we went to Madame "Tussauds," more particularly to see the "Chamber of Horrors," which I think were rather disappointing not being horrible enough.  If the weather be fine (to day it rained very hard) George will go to the Tower and some other places of interest with the Commissionaire

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and in the afternoon to the stamp place where he will try my liberality -- Probably we shall be off by the evening train for Queensboro, so that we get to Rotterdam on Friday.

Here I find the standard largely represented, headed by Libby-Tibby --They are all homesick for NewYork and cannot bear London; I can sympathyze with them!

The light burns so dimly that I can not see well --  George will give you a full acct of all news therefore I will close.

With many kisses for you and Marie,
Your affect. husb