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then we went to the waiting room and sat down for they would not let us out before the "Zu [[insert]]e [[/insert]]g" arrived. When it arrived [[strikethrough]]We[[/strikethrough]] we went out on the platform and found out that all the first class cars were full so we got on a second class car on the condition that we could have it alone for the night (which we did).
We no sooner left Bremen before we shut up the arms of the seats and put on our caps and laid down first however putting the curtains together and the shade on the lamp.
I no sooner laid down before
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I was asleep and I did not wake up till we stoped an hour later but as soon as we left the place I went to sleep again. At three oclock we got to Osnabruk but we soon went on again & did not stop till we got to Haltern where we were switched off to an other train but we first had to wait an hour (it was then five oclock) so we got out and had hot coffee which I though was bully but papa did'nt; I also had a stale cheese "sang [[strikethrough]] e [[/strikethrough]]wich" but papa did not dare tackle it (he waited till we got to Wesel but then he got a staler one); We walked around and then left.

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Transcription Notes:
He's trying out his German: Zug for train