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[[strikethrough]]and jumping up[[/strikethrough]] and looking in every first class copé, they got to a guard and he showed them the train dissapearing in the distance, two madder Englanders you never seed.

[[image - drawing of the above scene: cartoon figures with text: our train, me, Eng guard Eng]]

Just then we startted and the last I saw of them they looking daggers at each other. I wondered how the had been trained and what their train of thought was when the train left them. (PS) [[underlined]] dont faint [[/underlined]]
We got to Flusing

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at twelve oclock when we got on the boat which is a little beauty. The baggage and people were soon on and we were off, we then had lunch after that I felt sicker than I did on board the "Sohn" so I went to sleep. I slept three hours and then went on deck took a walk and then turned in again for another three hours.

Then I got up and walked till we got to Queen boro' which was at eight oclock
There was a little bird that crossed with us and excited a [[underlined]] good eel [[/underlined]] of attention

As soon as we landed