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to be brought several miles at least. An enormous amount of clearing will have to be done to build the line if near the river, and this will be the [[underline]]greatest[[/underline]] obstacle to the construction of the line.
We then took tea about 6 A.M. on the bank and invited the Russian bidarshik, crossed again at a very broad part of the river at least two miles and probably nearer three. The Russians fired a heavy gun to notify the indians they were there ready to buy sables, but none came forth. Find an old man and his wife & buy two snipe skins of him Stop again about twelve and drink tea and try our sail but wind very variable & rain coming go ashore about two and camp on a steep bank. A short time after the Russians 
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follow suit. Buy there some fat, ducks, geese and a bird skin or two.
N.B. Get two snipes, brownnecked a green wing tial + the head of a bird I have not yet come across said to inhabit the lakes & have short legs, a summer visitor & builds
_______Wednesday May 29_________
E by S. 1. ESE 2. SE 3. Takitesky Mts SE| E by S. 5. | T. Mts SE by S) NNE 6 miles E 1, S by E 2^[[insert]]NS. Sandy bluff 1.[[/insert]]E. 2. (T. Mts S.) [[sketch]]
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Morning. Rise about 4 AM and off a little after the Russians at five oclock. Pass through various windings of the river and drink tea about noon on a willow bank. Pass a bold sand & clay bluff in the north shore layers nearly horizontal. Sail a mile or two in the afternoon
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