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[[sketch of coastline bisecting both pages]]
[[caption]] Hotel n'tut. Youkon R. Sand & clay bluff 1 white loft.[[/caption]]
by the bluff known as [[Hotel n'hut?]] just west of which is a small river of the same name The drawing on this page represents it. It is about 60 ft high Whymper drops his notebook overboard and we have to go back a little way for it. on calling to one of the canoes foreward of us to come & get it the Russians down sail & come back thinking we un[[?]] in some way. Our men change places with Indians in their canoes frequently which relieves them and keeps us going well ahead. A stiff head wind and prospect of a rainstorm coming on about five
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P.M., stop at an Indian fishing camp with the Russians who intend if fair tomorrow to lay over + oil their bidarra skin a gull in the evening
N.B. The only change in the lithological aspect of the country is the sand bluff alluded to. Shoot a heron^[[insert]](a horodius?)[[/insert]] but lose it in the bush. buy a gull & skin it. Buy two ducks and a goose from Cousin.
May 30th Thursday 1867
Sleep till five very soundly. The Russians and our men at work fixing & greasing bidarras.  Take for noon nap to make up for lost time. Kainensichter is the name of the place where we are camped it is a short day
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