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from [[Saccutalóntan?]]. Many Indians are here fishing & hunting at some seasons. I saw something new in the way of a cloak, made of a reindeer hide tanned with the fur on, reddened & cut in fringe to a point and ornamented with beads like a Koyonkum parkie tied with one string at the neck, 
[[image- pencil sketch of garments]][[caption]] plan of breeches 
cloak of reindeer hide [[/caption]]
also breeches of deerskin tanned dark brown with ten fathoms of beads in the pattern sketched worth 20 sables at least beside the skin and making up. Have some sables offered for powder for the third time at least, but refuse to buy any. It is better to let furs alone and attend to business. Afternoon think of starting but rain & head wind coming up wait a little. We are making very slow time, not more than twenty miles a day but have to go thirty to make that the river is so circuitous and having to cross, a distance of two or three miles to avoid the strong current at the bends. The river is three
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or four feet higher than at the same time last year, so we cannot track at all; making slow progress. Get an egg of sharptailed duck from ovary, a poor one, 3 birds a thrush, yellowbird, and lark some plants mosses & beetles. Conclude as it rains hard to stay till one o clock tomorrow skin birds. Ivan withus at dinner & turn in.

[[line]] Friday May 31 [[line]]
E1/2. N [[insertion]] E by N [[/insertion]] (2 1/2. 1 Bluff K.I. NW. 10°. 40 ft hard blue sandstone) ENE. 2. NE 3 T Mts bearing S.E.
(bluff of brown standstone dip NW by W, 25°, angle of strata 15° SW.) N by E 1 (Bluff with sandstone and a ridge of traps and hard gray stone like slate [[margin]] male symbol [[/margin]] but not foliated. Dip 90° W. and a little further 67° W.) (still further br sands & a thin layer (6in) of shale dip 30° NW angle 15°.) 40 yds further blue sds in horizontal layers much weathered. NE by N. 4 in