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for we have relied on this place for a supply of dried meat for our journey. THe only other place where we can get any is Nukliikahyet and there are so many Indians there for a short time that I fear it will be scarce, and Why super has been very extravagant with giving away to every bumming Indian and letting them help themselves, so that we have up to this time used over 15 lbs of our biscuit, over half and not a quarter of the way yet, My remonstrances were only met with a burst of temper. and it cant be helped now. I proposed to him that he should take charge of the boat, camping grounds + Indians and leave the trading entirely to me. Which he agrees to. Buy some fresh reindeer meat, a duck + two eggs. Skin two birds. The duck turns out to be a golden eye.
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Inst as I get under the blankets I hear cries of Indians coming and Lamown comes in and tells me there will be plenty of meat soon, and begs some tobacco on the strength of it. I get up + find the Nowikahgut-Tyme + thru others, and stonsman who went up with Ketchum in the winter with the following news. Ketchum got up there with all hands in good condition having killed some moose on the road. They had a starving time there and he fed them with his flour in the spring he started 7 days ago with Mike + no grub but pemmican for FliSelkirk sending David, Storsman, the two boys with six dogs, all that were left, ^ [[insert]]down[[/insert]] in a boat made of moose skin David did not turn out well, The commander + a workman were drowned at Ft Youkon this spring in a birch while goose shooting Got our tent struck, bedarra packed, and flags raised, and start down the river + a crass for Nour Kahgut Harbor
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