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______Tuesday June 4__________
NE.10. very wide low shores & 3 long Islands.6. Give them a good salute
Arrive about 12 PM and get our tent pitched after some trouble as there is very little room Get everything packed and a little tea & prepare to sleep as we, at least, I have not slept but two hours the last two days. About 8 AM dress & get ready to trade for meat as they say they are starving at Nuklukuh get a great many Indians & very little to eat. Antoine Houle is there and sends word by Peetka to me to hurry up there. Old Ivan Tyore has prevented our sending up an express to him as he told them the English Indians would kill him. He is a complete old bilk Whymper sketches and I buy about 200 lbs of dried meat and 50 lbs of fat &c in pieces from the different Indians which takes nearly all the morning. Give presents to the various tyones &c. Get a nest & eggs & mother of a black &  white headed sparrow some 50 mouse & a weasel skins & Buy a new birch canoe of the 
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largest size, giving all my own drill & buying some with money from Ivan to make up the deficit necessary. Give 7 fathoms drill 3 papooshes Therkatsky tobacco & 5 balls for it. Give Kurill some trading goods. The Russians are buying my large quantities of beaver & sables. & a canoe to send them down in & have taken Storsman to take it down, and left Peetka + Capsula to take down the six dogs in their boat. The meat is most by saccati meat and very bony the fat also mostly saccati & put up like large sausages in gut skins or like lard, in birch dishes Evening [[Larrioun?]] & his wife have a disgusting powow over a sick man. It consists in chanting the Hahah heho song & stamping & grunting around a fire encircled by the crowd & trying to suck the evil spirit out at intervals, his wife also, through the patients [[underlined]]penis[[/underlined]]. Fix up the tent write out notes and turn in for an early start. Have engaged two young fellows to take up our canoe
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